Oct 22, 2005 15:35
I need three recommendations from people for a couple places I'm applying to graduate school.
One is obviously my teacher. The other is Peter Zazofsky, given he's heard me play a LOT.
The third?
No clue.
Oct 12, 2005 19:22
Graduate school decisions are hard. A list of nine or so possibilities - how ever do I narrow it? And I've GOT to figure out at least one lower-tier school that's good, but not difficult to get an assistantship at. Ugh.
Oct 05, 2005 01:56
Somehow I have the urge to start posting in here again, even though I have nothing to post. Oh, the contradictions.
Sep 26, 2005 19:30
My computer broke (fixed now) and my wallet was stolen all within the space of three weeks. Brilliant.
Aug 02, 2005 19:07
Well - I've got two days off, so if anyone's interested in going out either tomorrow or Thursday night, I'm up for it.
Jul 15, 2005 14:34
When calling a gynecologist to make an appointment, shouldn't the office be open at two pm? Particularly, that is, if advertised hours are until three thirty on Fridays.
Jul 02, 2005 17:00
The stupid dog chewed up my favorite sandals ever. This is the first time I've ever actually SEEN a dog chew shoes.
Jun 19, 2005 23:23
Would anyone like to take me to the airport on July 5, or pick me up July 10?
May 25, 2005 22:26
Looking for jobs is impossible, particularly when a certain restaurant tells you you're scheduled for an interview 'early' in the week, and you never get a phonecall.
So frustrated right now.