Their web site doesn't seem to indicate either of these things. You can buy it via mail-order from their site however. I'm sure there will also be a tour to follow. Only makes sense...
Where are you guys jamming these days? Do you have a drummer yet?
are you ordering it? i really want to listen to it, but i don't want to pay $20 to get it from the states.... i guess i'm just that cheap. hahaha
we're not really jamming much these days, we just pulled out of gerald's basement, things weren't realy meshing with us, so we just decided to call it off. me and 2ch of course are still jammin together in his basement, but we havne't actually had a chance to re-setup in there just yet. been so busy.
Comments 3
are they touring again?
Where are you guys jamming these days? Do you have a drummer yet?
we're not really jamming much these days, we just pulled out of gerald's basement, things weren't realy meshing with us, so we just decided to call it off. me and 2ch of course are still jammin together in his basement, but we havne't actually had a chance to re-setup in there just yet. been so busy.
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