you know how on facebook and netflix and all those things, they have a spot for you to rate a movie out of 5 stars? it's been bugging me lately, it's so simplistic. you can't tell if people are rating the movie for how good is is, or how much they personally liked it. that's what always stumps me when i go to rate them. like, i think Titanic was a
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Comments 16
thursday during the day, this week or next: coffee or lunch?
I look at rating this way: 1. How does the movie make you feel (i.e. hate, did not like, like, really like, or love?) 2. Do you give or take away points for things you admire about it - like production values or acting - or do you take away points for things you didn't like - like a bad script or inconsistent sound?
I have thought, "This movie was not realistic and I didn't like it and I would give it 2 stars, but, you know I will give it points for originality AND I did like it more than I didn't like it so I'll add one star = 3 stars!
i understand your rating view, and i do about the same thing because it's the only way you really CAN do it...but when i look at your rating, i don't know what qualities made you add or subtract stars, unless you've added further comments. even if there was a rating for quality of the film, like an objective review, and then a separate one for your personal enjoyment, it would help.
also, if i dare to give a movie like "Sliding Doors" 5 stars, Netflix insists that i will like all sorts of other chick flix as well...when in fact i really dig the alternate realities premise. (as chick flix go, it's the best though!)
And that is why there are reviews.
even if there was a rating for quality of the film, like an objective review, and then a separate one for your personal enjoyment, it would help.
And this is why there are different reviewers. We may have ones we like more than others because they have a reputation for reviewing a film in a more balanced way.
Netflix insists that i will like all sorts of other chick flix as well...when in fact i really dig the alternate realities premise.
This is where it's fun to not fit neatly into a demographic. I see Netflix suggest things to me all the time -- insisting I will almost 5-star-like-it and I watch it and I give it two. On one hand I'm annoyed for having wasted my time with a movie, on the other hand I giggle because I'm defying expectations. The good thing is that the more you rate, the better the suggestions will become (theoretically).
So, just do your thang and delight in being weird.
i'm not losing sleep over this or anything...just trying to get back into putting my thoughts on LJ more frequently. (in case i sound like i'm making a mountain out of a molehill!)
i do quite delight in being weird! and netflix has managed to point me in some good directions, so they do their job well.
it is all about how much you want to dig into the information available.
(and I am also one for 10 things ... it was a well done movie)
k, i'm just a nerd.
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