Not only is it snowing, but it's SNOWING. As in, I actually have enough snow on my car (after driving it home, no less) to throw a few snowballs at the kids frolicking across the street. As in, the ground (although not the roads and sidewalks and such) is covered almost completely. Awesome. So happy.
I raced home from doing work at school late for Bill O'Reilly on the daily show?? Fuck. What a waste of time. I could have done another half hour of work
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In another note, I wish I had a 2x4 so I could beat my students senseless with all their stupid antics immediately preceding and following the elections.
My amusement on my daily commute has been one of the slightly major intersections on my way to school which has a CVS pharmacy proudly proclaiming their sale of ping pong balls
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