Dec 14, 2004 20:22
I have quite possibly forgotten about this journal. Until Kara prodded me, that is.
Yeah, ow. You'll be getting it for that one.
Name's Diana. Contrary to popular belief, I am not short. Everyone else in the world is just freakishly tall. And I do not have a temper, no matter what Kara tells you. My entire life is filled with misconceptions, oh
Oct 26, 2003 17:49
Why the hell does Edmonton have to be so confusing? What is this fucking Pedway beast they insist on?
At least it's useful for some things.
Oct 17, 2003 15:52
Why do I always find myself roped into these things?
Hello. If you're here, then you probably know who I am. If not, then what the hell are you doing reading this?