Title: Abmarkan'es
diane_kepler and
proudcockatriceFandom: Star Trek TOS
Characters: Spock/OMC, other original characters
Length: ~22,000 words
Rating: NC-17 on most planets
Warnings: Smut, more smut, Romulan expletives, faggotry, Orions (hey, Orions deserve their own warning!)
Disclaimer: Srsly, folks, we only wish we were as awesome as Gene Rodenberry. We don't own it, and we are not profiting from it.
Summary: Sequel to Zahvan T'Masu. [
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On BS] Spock is reunited with Starek. Sleep-deprived cultural misunderstandings, snowballing adventures in gossip warfare, and angry Andorian chiurgeons ensue.
Notes: Follow the links for more
keplerian trek p0rn, including other stories in this series. Soundtracks are
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