WTF, self?

Aug 01, 2010 19:23

Title: WTF, self?
Author: diane_mckay
Fandom: American Idol Season 8 rpf
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Kris is a fan, ok?
Author's note: written for Kradingo for the prompt AU: Big Brother (tv). Except it's a been warped. Because I am an artist. LOL. Whatever. It's an AU that features big brothers and televisions. Thanks to anobakitay for being my ~muse and claire_kay for humoring me and the alpha and beta reads. The title is a random comment to myself. But it worked. So my ~muse told me to keep it.

So Kristopher Allen was in love. Like crazily, embarrassingly, stupidly in love. And it was never going to work out.

Now you might ask why this crazy love of Kris' would never work. Kris himself was an adorable package all together. A tiny one, but adorable nonetheless.

(Not that he himself realized this. He did of course recognize that he was tiny. He might prefer the word short but tiny would really be more accurate. However, he did not understand quite how attractive some may find him.)

This is Kris; fluffy hair, warm brown eyes and the fullest of lips. Girls raged over the way his legs met his back. That was true romance, the way those two met. (Girls literally raged. They got into fights over that ass.)

He was the epitome of a charming southern boy who loved his mama, didn't kick his dog (Or wouldn't if he had one. He didn't kick other people's dogs either. Not even when one mistook him for a fire hydrant. Kris was even alright with dog pee.) He always held the door open for strangers without even expecting thanks. You couldn't meet a more easy going guy who wasn't a pothead.

The accent alone could melt anyone. To hear him sing has broken many a heart. And the boy could play. Who doesn't love a man who plays guitar?

And if he did say so himself, he could could cook up a mean chili.

So all in all, Kris really should have no problems in the romance department. Fashion department, maybe but not the romance department. What's the problem then? Well, have you ever heard the saying "and never the twain shall meet"? That would accurately describe Kris and his doomed-to-fail love.

Because Kris' love was famous and Kris himself was decidedly not. In fact, Kris had never even seen his one true love outside of the television screen. and YouTube. And pictures. Lots of pictures actually. (All of which had required Kris to spend an extra fifty bucks on an external hard drive that he probably should have spent on things like textbooks or fixing that squeal his brakes kept making. Or you know, food.)

The crazy things Kris did for the love of Adam Lambert were embarrassingly high.


Adam Lambert was a superstar. A glittering, glam god dressed in feathers and leather. He could hold single note for eternity and leave you breathless with no effect to show for it on his face except a wicked grin. He could reach into the very depths of your soul and entrance you with his voice alone. It was perfect and clear and utterly unequaled.

In fact, Kris was pretty sure Adam was a Siren. His voice had certainly made Kris crash into things as he walked along listening to Adam on his mp3 player. And all those feathers could be considered suspicious. So Kris thought it wasn't entirely out of the realm of possibility that Adam was a Siren. Except for, you know, the part where Adam Lambert was definitely NOT a girl. Very obviously not. No female parts to be seen. 100% male. Definitely. Kris was sure about that.


So here's how Kris met Adam. The term met is used loosely. Really, this is the story of how Kris nearly broke his best friend's television.

Kris tried not to watch a lot of American Idol. It would only encourage his friends with their strange ideas. Really. How successful did they think a guy could be playing acoustic guitar on a show like American Idol? Ridiculous.

Kris felt pretty lucky he'd gotten that job this past summer serving ice cream. Otherwise he probably would have joined his brother on that road trip to try out. And 10 hours in a car with Daniel? Well, let's just say Kris loved his brother but that might have changed after being forced to listen to the Backstreet Boys for that long. Plus, free ice cream.

(Also, Kris didn't like to think about it too much, but that was the real reason he and Katy hadn't worked out. How could she resist ice cream like that? So she said she was lactose intolerant? There was a pill for that. Seriously, come on, it was ice cream. Who didn't love ice cream?)

Anyway, so Kris didn't watch a lot American Idol except when forced.

Charles had bribed Kris and Cale to help him move into his new apartment with promises of pizza. After five hours, Kris had yet to see a single piece of pepperoni. He was tired and hungry and Charles' new couch was looking awfully comfortable. It had better be pretty dang comfortable considering how much it weighed. They had finally gotten all the furniture into the apartment and now Charles was directing them.

"Under the window. No, no, too much sun. Put it over in the corner. At an angle! Are you two completely without taste? Now there's not enough room for the table. Move it to the center. Well that's going to block walking now....." on and on it went.

After moving the stupidly heavy couch for the final time, Kris and Cale collapsed on the couch next to each other. It was exactly where it had started, under the window. Charles had decided he would buy some curtains. Somehow, Kris knew he was going to get suckered into doing that too. Cale grabbed for the remote first. The tv ,of course, was the first thing they had set up. Kris didn't move an inch from his position near Cale's shoulder, he didn't care what they watched as long as he could stay right where he was. Cale flipped through channels, squinting at the television.

"Man, Charles was right. There is too much sun here."

Kris rolled his eyes. "I don't care. I'm not moving this couch ever again."

Cale landed on on a commercial showing some preview for a teen show. With Jack Bauer? Or something about glee club? Or Keifer Sutherland as a teacher? Kris wasn't too sure.

"Come on man. At least help me move the TV so there isn't so much glare before the show comes back on," Cale said.

"No. Get Charles to do it."

"But he's finally ordering the pizza." This was true, Kris could hear Charles in the other room. It sounded like he would be a while. He was convincing the person on the other end of the phone to run through all the different pizza and wing combinations. Kris sighed. He was so hungry. "I'll let you choose the first two slices," Cale offered.

Kris considered. Cale always took the ones with the most pepperoni, leaving the measly slices with just three or four pieces for Kris. "Alright. Make it the first three and you have a deal."

"You drive a hard bargain my friend. Done. Now get up and help me. Seacrest is going to be back on any minute."

Great. Cale's fanboy obsession is getting a little extreme. Kris thought to himself. (Little did Kris know.)

As they struggled to adjust the massive television, Kris could hear the peppy voice of Ryan Seacrest come on right next to his ear, coming from a speaker. "And now for your final contestant---" Cale jerked the TV closer to him and Kris stumbled, momentarily distracted and missing the last few words.

"Come on, Kris. Faster. Just put it--right---there."

"Am I interrupting something?" Charles asked.

Kris pursed his lips, raised his eyebrows and peered over the TV at Cale. Cale met his eyes and they both burst out laughing.

Then it happened. A low voice came out long and slow, drawing out vowels. There was a deep thrum of a guitar in the background. "I caaaaan't get nooooooo......"

Satisfaction. Kris trembled and dropped the television.


All said, Kris was lucky he hadn't been murdered in his sleep yet by his own friends and family. Charles claimed he was just biding his time. Cale said it must be because of the puppy dog face. Kris wasn't entirely certain which face that was but tried to keep making it in the hope that it would continue to save him.

After the night which all three of them had agreed not to speak of again (Kris shuddered at the mere thought of it), he had CommandR-ed YouTube well into the morning searching for the video he prayed would surface. And appear it did. Kris made his YouTube account right then, favorited the video and created a playlist simply entitled "ADAM". (Kris had tried to get his username to be KrisAllen but apparently someone else already had that name. As well as various combinations. End result? Kris' username became AdamIdol. He could think of anything else, alright?)

Later that night Kris was glad his parents weren't home to witness his excited dancing as Adam made it through to the next round. Maybe he would watch a little bit of the season this year. I mean, Michael Jackson week was next after all. And someone might do something cool. So Kris decided to watch just one more week. Anyway, he doubted anything else exciting regarding American Idol would happen between this week and next.


Adam's hair was longer in the pictures, coming down over the back of his collar. It was dyed a purple-blue and almost perfectly matched the eye shadow that circled his eyes. His eyes were closed, and at the corner of Adam's right eye a small gem gleamed brightly.

Adam kissed boys. With his tongue. Adam Lambert apparently liked kissing other boys. From the pictures, it looked like he loved it. Not that Kris cared. He was just curious about what had to be censored in the pictures, that's all.

Later that week Adam sang about equality with tears in his eyes. Kris wished he could hug him.


Kris supposed that after that you could say he became a fan?

Each week Kris watched Adam become someone new, yet always amazing. Changing his hair and his outfits, adding glitter and sparkle. He went to eerie heights with Johnny Cash that left Kris feeling a little perplexed. In a good way.... maybe?

The week Adam sang Mad World Kris knew Adam would be a star. Kris voted frantically when he heard the performance had been cut off for some viewers. The only thing that could keep Adam from the finals would be a stupid voting mistake. He hid the phone bill from his parents when it came, and decided that paying it all himself would be less horrifying than having to explain it to them.

That's not to say Kris' family was unaware of his newfound fascination. When they walked in on him dancing to Born To Be Wild, head banging and foot stomping, Kris had been pretty sure his secret was out.

After that Kris decided to be open and honest with them and proudly displayed his "Adam is my Idol" pin on his backpack.

The internet became a gold mine of information and Kris a master of the Google search. There was the recent posts and the related searches and the similar sites. There were images and videos and blogs. Timelines and wonder wheels. Google alerts were brilliant. Kris occasionally wanted to throw his guitar at some of the reviewers. What was the problem with seeing Adam's tongue? Kris didn't mind.


Rock week rolled around. There were microphones involved.

Kris bought his ticket for the idol tour.


Adam won. Adam came out. Adam was featured on the cover of Rolling Stone.

Kris bought a copy immediately when it hit the news stands. ( Actually, it wasn't immediately. The cashier had to ask Kris if he wanted anything else about four times before Kris realized he was standing in the grocery store staring at the magazine with an open mouth.)

Adam was sprawled out on the bed, looking like sex personified. There was the barest glimpse of blue color in Adam's hair and tiny waves that Kris had never seen before. Eyes half-lidded and arms thrown back. His lips were parted and chest exposed. Further down---Kris shoved the copy into his bag and left the store in a rush.


Daniel eyed Kris over the top of the magazine. Kris squirmed uncomfortably. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You realize you are exactly his type?" Daniel asked.

"What? No I'm not. Anyway that doesn't even matter. It's not like I'll ever meet him."

"Oh really big brother? That's why it doesn't matter? Nothing else would get between this true love? Like perhaps his dick?" Daniel laughed hysterically and looked back down at the magazine. Kris was momentarily glad, as Daniel missed his face turning beet red at that thought. That quickly turned into regret as Daniel began to read out loud. "I was glad no one in the house was my type (Laughs) That would have been distracting. What is your type then? Younger than me, shorter, easy going....and I'm a sucker for a southern accent. Yeah, you're right. That doesn't sound like you at all."

"Oh, shut up," Kris stood and grabbed the magazine from Daniel. "I'm going to the bathroom."

Daniel's insane laughter followed Kris as shut the door behind him. It was ridiculous. Adam would never notice Kris.


"You did what?!" Kris yelled. He was freaking out. He was so freaking out.

"Ok, don't freak out---" Daniel started to say.


"Look, it was just a joke. I only posted it on my facebook. Ok, and the American Idol forum. And his website."


"It was just a joke! But man, Lambert's fans are crazy! They saw the picture I posted of you asking if my big brother should get to meet Adam. I swear, Kris, it was just a joke. But you know, with twitter....."

Twitter is the devil. Kris swore to himself he would never go on twitter. (This was actually a promise Kris had made after idol ended and Adam got a twitter account. He knew he wouldn't be able to resist tweeting Adam every random thought that popped into his head. Desperation was not hot.)

Daniel was still talking, "So anyway, the FOX station called me saying that they had gotten over a thousand requests phoned in. For you to meet Adam."

"My embarrassment has reached new levels."


Kris peeked through his fingers covering his eyes. and mumbled, "What?"

"They're giving you meet and greet passes to the concert. So that you can meet Adam."

Kris can't really remember what happened after that. But he was pretty sure he reached new levels in his upper register.


Kris decided on his favorite red and blue plaid in the hopes that it would keep him from acting like a weirdo. Go with whatever is the most comfortable right? The new jeans were a little tight however. His mom had thrown them at his head this morning, telling him he had to look good. She had winked at him, seriously winked!
Kris really wished his mom wasn't so observant, there would be a lot less blushing in his life.

Kris had tried on some eyeliner too but he couldn't keep his hand from shaking. The end result was him looking like a raccoon. The last thing he needed was to look like a rapid animal when meeting Adam. He had to take a shower after that. (So many showers thanks to Adam.)

There were hundreds of people there already when Kris arrived in his beat up old Ford. In the next few hours there would be thousands. Kris wondered what it must feel stand in front of thousands of people on a stage and just play.

To imagine in just a few short hours Kris would see Adam Lambert LIVE. The television couldn't possibly do him justice. Kris bet Adam would explode on stage.

He was walking into the venue hoping to find a bathroom when he heard giggling behind him. He gave a quick glance. There was a group of girls looking at him and whispering to each other. Kris looked away awkwardly, wondering if he looked like a dork and they were laughing at him. All of a sudden one yelled out, "Good luck Kris!"

"Um thanks, I guess," he replied as he waved at them.

"Yeah, Kris I hope you get lucky!" Another girl called out and Kris felt his face get hot. He darted into the bathroom and heard an explosion of laughter behind him. Would it always be his lot in life to have laughter follow him as he went to the bathroom?


As Kris left the bathroom he stopped and looked down, adjusting his shirt. He hoped he hadn't gotten any water on it after splashing his face. He wanted to look at the very least semi-respectable.

Then there was a chest. And a voice. "You look good." It spoke. Kris stared straight ahead at the chest, speechless.

"Are you okay?"

Kris finally managed to operate his body again and looked up. It was Adam Lambert. Adam was standing in front him. Asking him if he was okay. Outside the bathroom.

Kris laughed and rolled his eyes upwards to the ceiling. He grinned at Adam, "Yeah, just a little surprised at the ridiculousness my life has become."

Adam returned his smile. "I know what you mean." He held out his hand, "I'm Adam."

"Kris Allen. It's nice to meet you Adam," Kris said shaking Adam's hand. "You look pretty good yourself."

Adam grinned.

IDOL TOUR: Adam + Microphone


RANDOMS: Sparkling!Plaid
Living Dangerously

RANDOMS: Rolling Stone

PRE-IDOL: Concert

AU/CROSSOVERS: Sherlock Holmes

RANDOMS: Halloween

IDOL TOUR: Hotel Night
I didn't know what I needed


MUSIC: The Killers


FUTURE: First Time


MUSIC: Maroon 5

FUTURE: Vacation

GLAMNATION: Accident on Stage

IDOL: Bonding

AU/CROSSOVERS: Big Brother (tv) WTF,self?

PRE-IDOL: Adam visits Arkansas

KRIS TOUR: Frustrated

MUSIC: Radiohead


MUSIC: mgmt
I don't want to lose ya


RANDOMS: Musical

Kradam Bingo - Sign-ups

fandom: american idol, fanfic: kradam, fanfic? say wha?, person: kris allen, i wrote something idek, bingo: kradingo

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