Title: The second best couple
digthewriterPairing: Neville/Charlie
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: EWE. Background Harry/Draco
Challenge: "HAPPY HOLIDAYS" for
NEVILLE100A/N: This is part 15 of the series.
Read PART 14 Neville laughed at Charlie’s offer. To double date with the most enviably happy couple, ever. Although, they weren’t always happy. Harry and Draco had a bit of a habit of getting into arguments in public, but it was more like foreplay for them than anything else. He remembered how last Christmas they'd had a row at Pansy's "Happy Holidays" party and then were caught snogging in the loo.
“Maybe not,” Charlie said, evidently reading Neville’s reaction. “I’d like the evening to be about you and well, not...them.” He laughed nervously.
“Good idea,” Neville said. "I'd prefer to be alone."