Title: Almost
digthewriterPairing: Neville/Charlie
Word Count: 100x2
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: EWE. Background Harry/Draco
Challenge: "Epiphany" for
NEVILLE100A/N: This is
part 16 of the series.
Read PART 15 “It’ll be fine with just the two of us,” Neville said. “What time should I be there and what should I bring?”
Charlie thought it over for a bit, and then his face looked as though he'd just had an epiphany. “If we’re both missing from dinner, I think other professors would suspect...I mean, I don’t want to give anyone the wrong impression. Not that I don’t want people to know--”
“It’s a first date, Charlie. I understand,” Neville said. Charlie in many ways was just like Harry. He rambled when nervous.
“I’ll make my rounds at dinner while you prepare...” He stopped, unsure of how to word it right.
“Good plan,” Charlie said. “Just don’t eat too much. I’d like to woo you with my cooking,” he teased and almost immediately started laughing.
Merlin, his laugh was infectious, Neville thought. Neville gave a soft smile. “I don’t say no to food. You may not have met me when I was a kid, but that much is pretty given about me.”
“You can’t be worse than Ron." Charlie shook his head, he took one step closer to Neville, and pressed him against the wall again. “I can’t wait for tonight.”
next part: soon