Looking back, the most heavily criticized artists are usually the better ones! And just because a few people are unable to see your vision doesn't mean that others can't. So defend yourself confidently knowing that you made your point.
Oh & as for the person who thinks she's competing for jobs with illegal immigrants, tell her to shut up until she is outside pushing & lawnmower through residential streets & declined from getting work because they have a *FABULOUS* yard guy named Pedro who comes every weekend. Our yard guy is Rodrigo & I won't ask if he's legal or not. I just hope he keeps showing up as he has for the last year plus. I certainly wouldn't hire a whiny white girl to do my yard! :) Tell her to try McD's.
I tried to defend myself on how my typological things show how everything is the same, death of the small town, and he found the exact opposite, where it shows the quarks of everyday life. He said basically, my work does not represent these ideas at all. In an angry way. He seemed to take it personal. I kind of want to e-mail him asking for some defination.
I have written off the girl a while back. We went to go play Scrabble at Cafe Brazil, I ran into some old friends, so we never got started. They asked what I had brought, I showed them, and her exclamed, "OH THAT SCRABBLE!". Those friends, who happened to be three days strung out, thought she was dumbest person alive. Ah, people.
I guess the trick of being an artist, is to learn to let other people's opinions roll off your back. I think that's something everyone has to learn in general. You're an artist & you're documenting *your* vision. Not everyone is going to see it like you do. If you feel you're doing everything you can to get it across to the viewer & you're still having difficulty communicating to them, then it might be good to get their feedback. If you don't care what they think, then keep doing what you're doing & let the viewer judge for themselves what they are seeing through your work. They will anyway, you know? Now if you think this numbskull shorted you on a grade, then definitely challenge that! Tell him you're a STAR dammit!!
Comments 29
and i hope it goes well.
Oh & as for the person who thinks she's competing for jobs with illegal immigrants, tell her to shut up until she is outside pushing & lawnmower through residential streets & declined from getting work because they have a *FABULOUS* yard guy named Pedro who comes every weekend. Our yard guy is Rodrigo & I won't ask if he's legal or not. I just hope he keeps showing up as he has for the last year plus. I certainly wouldn't hire a whiny white girl to do my yard! :) Tell her to try McD's.
I kind of want to e-mail him asking for some defination.
I have written off the girl a while back. We went to go play Scrabble at Cafe Brazil, I ran into some old friends, so we never got started. They asked what I had brought, I showed them, and her exclamed, "OH THAT SCRABBLE!". Those friends, who happened to be three days strung out, thought she was dumbest person alive. Ah, people.
(oh yeah, search for a lj group called mock the stupid)
on the musings: eh, I don't wanna mention me, ... bad at that. Crap. I heart you lots. Better support upon uh, crap. Don't hate this crappy part.
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