How odd, in all the offices I've worked in people have brought in their own mugs, over which they are very posessive, like those cunts you get who tip-ex their names on their staplers and refuse to let anyone else use them.
Sort of reminds me of the time when, being the office techie-type, one of my roles was to refill the coffee machine. For a fortnight I replaced the normal coffee with decaf, until everyone had unwittingly got over their addictions, then suddenly replaced it with triple espresso ready for Monday morning. Some of my colleagues were very excitable that day.
Comments 5
Sort of reminds me of the time when, being the office techie-type, one of my roles was to refill the coffee machine. For a fortnight I replaced the normal coffee with decaf, until everyone had unwittingly got over their addictions, then suddenly replaced it with triple espresso ready for Monday morning. Some of my colleagues were very excitable that day.
...a new nick name based on 'Snatch'?
That is just one of the reasons why I love you.
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