The first thing to ask telephone solicitors in any event is whether they are volunteers for the organization (yay!), paid by the organization (ok), or paid by an outside contractor (buh-bye!)
I'm betting you got the third kind, who often get a percentage bonus so will tell you any damn thing to get your money and don't really give a damn what it's for.
Alas that this happens. Also, that it happens from both sides of just about any issue. Right now the Progressives are bitching about how the Conservatives are all lying sacks of shit, but when the tide is flowing the other way, the Progs do it just as much.
And now you make me want to post a counterpoint to the 'I like guns' thing, but not here, because that's not the point of your post.
Well, whenever the Sierra Club calls me or the Symphony even under a Republican administration calls me, they never lead off with a false news item relying on my knee jerk outrage to get me to donate money.
And for the record. I am not a -love guns for home defense or hunting- gun nut. I am a throw off the yoke of my oppressive masters, viva la revolution! gun nut.
The Sierra Club and the Symphony are hardly Progressive, in the larger scope of things. I mean, OK, the Sierra Club is probably more Prog than the Symphony, but I would bet that Greenpeace would probably resort to this kind of tactic if they thought that Bush had said the words "whale" and "hunting" within 50 words of each other.
As for the type of gun nut you are, well, if you're going to start a revolution, well, I can't help you much.
So how is that going? The whole "yoke throwing-off" thing?
I don't mean to be glib (unusual for me, I know). I can see where simply owning a firearm would impart a sense of empowerment that could be carried into everyday interactions. But in order for human beings to live in an unnatural state of civilization, concentrated populations have to adhere (for the most part) to a set of social contracts.
I hate it when people lie. I understand that sometimes you don't know everything that is true, but fearmongering just makes me ill.
Good for you for checking into the truth before getting up in arms about "OMG They are taking away my GUNS!" I wish more people did. I wish people (NRA, BP) weren't lying sacks of shit.
Comments 10
I'm betting you got the third kind, who often get a percentage bonus so will tell you any damn thing to get your money and don't really give a damn what it's for.
And now you make me want to post a counterpoint to the 'I like guns' thing, but not here, because that's not the point of your post.
And for the record. I am not a -love guns for home defense or hunting- gun nut. I am a throw off the yoke of my oppressive masters, viva la revolution! gun nut.
As for the type of gun nut you are, well, if you're going to start a revolution, well, I can't help you much.
I don't mean to be glib (unusual for me, I know). I can see where simply owning a firearm would impart a sense of empowerment that could be carried into everyday interactions. But in order for human beings to live in an unnatural state of civilization, concentrated populations have to adhere (for the most part) to a set of social contracts.
Good for you for checking into the truth before getting up in arms about "OMG They are taking away my GUNS!" I wish more people did. I wish people (NRA, BP) weren't lying sacks of shit.
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