I have a question for all of you lovely people (those of you who are slashers, at any rate, which is most of you). How and when did you first get interested in slash? A whole day completely devoid of human contact has made me curious about things not entirely my business.
I think I've been a slasher all my life, even before I new what
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Comments 43
*Does Kirk really have red pubic hair? EWWWWW!* That is an image I *do not* want to visualize! Id didn't know that there was an actual published book in the library slashy Holmes and watson (although I had often wondered about their relationship)... Um, it's not sexy, per se, but rather... intriguing. Who wrote the book?
Unlike you, I seek out slash just for the slash. Your way is probably better -- I bet you find wonderful stories that I'll never discover because they're so mundanely *het*... *hits self*
Anyway, thanks for sharing your tale of slash.
I must see this book!
Who are your favourite screen Holmes/Watson?
Flash forward a lot of years to my return to university in the latter 90s and reading Henry Jenkins' Textual Poachers for a paper. Suffice it to say the copy falls open at the chapter "Welcome to Bisexuality, Captain Kirk" because I read it so many times. That was the first time I realised that other women are like me - and they write it down!
Shortly after that I got into Smallville fandom and got to know about slash from the inside out, as it were.
Allow me to demonstrate my naivete by asking "What's Jenkins' Textual Poachers"? That sound like a very interesting article...
Ah, yes, Smallville. Incredibly slashy. Good times.
Thanks for sharing! *kisses*
You can check out his cool co-authored, or really edited, article on why women like slash here:
I was writing David Bowie/Mick Jagger RPS back around 1979-80, when I was 12. I didn't fully understand how guys actually went about having sex for another year or so, but I wrote it anyway because I liked the idea of them together. I also wrote some slashy stories about Jim Morrison when I was 15 or 16.
I wasn't part of any organized fandom, and was completely unaware that there were other women out there writing the same kinds of stories--I thought I was the only one.
I also recall watching the old Batman and Robin TV show in the afternoons after school, and thinking that Robin was Batman's boyfriend. I even drew pictures of them kissing. I was probably about 7 or 8 at the time. It wasn't until I was in my early 20s that I read an article written by a gay man about his childhood fascination with B&R, and how they became gay icons for him (and, apparently, lots of other little gay boys during the '70s).
So I've probably been a slasher since birth, too.
Thanks for sharing your slash history! *hugs*
I have always loved the obsession and duty sort of twisted relationship. And when I turned to slash, that's what I tried to write. Mm.
I found Harry/Draco slash first. I thought, whee, fun plot device. And I didn't think it at all strange. *grin*
Anyway, thanks for sharing your slash history with me. *kisses*
Harry/Ron is definitely okay. Particularly with Ron's jaelousy in GoF and so on.
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