
Dec 03, 2005 20:22

I have a question for all of you lovely people (those of you who are slashers, at any rate, which is most of you). How and when did you first get interested in slash? A whole day completely devoid of human contact has made me curious about things not entirely my business.

I think I've been a slasher all my life, even before I new what ( Read more... )

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Comments 43

thepouncer December 5 2005, 22:27:53 UTC
Here from metafandom

I got into slash with Smallville's first season, because the chemistry between Clark and Lex was nuclear. My god. I still can't believe it when I think about it. And since the writing was bad enough that the plots often made no sense unless you assume that Lex was hopelessly in love with Clark.

Subtext wise, Buffy season two opened my eyes - Spike and Angel had way too much hostility, and Giles and Ethan were obviously an item way back when.

In high school I read fantasy stories that were about gay characters. I just never connected it with a larger phenomenon.


dis_mount December 8 2005, 23:08:13 UTC
Ah, Clark and Lex. They're chemistry is fabulous. I really need to start watching Smallville again...

Thanks for sharing with me. I'm off to read some Giles/Ethan. You've inspired me.


dis_mount December 8 2005, 23:08:38 UTC
By the way, I *love* your icon!


siegeofangels December 6 2005, 00:25:04 UTC
I had heard of slash when I was in Buffy fandom, read one or two stories and wasn't really that fond of it, and then I was puttering around Harry Potter fandom and noticed that gee, a lot of this stuff is slash. A lot of the very highly recommended stuff, too.

So I decided to try it. And I clicked on a link to mistful's Underwater Light. It starts very, very slowly; Harry and Draco become friends, and builds to a point where one character has Feelings about another although he doesn't realize it yet, and the reader is practically yelling at her screen, "JUST KISS HIM ALREADY!" and then he does.

It was pretty much all over after that.


siegeofangels December 6 2005, 00:25:50 UTC
Oh, also here via metafandom.


dis_mount December 9 2005, 02:25:02 UTC
Wow, thanks for the rec! I clicked on the link, started on the story and found myself instantly entranced. I'm only on chapter one, but still.

Perhaps this story will turn me on to the Harry/Draco dynamic, who knows.

Thanks for sharing! *hugs*


evilbo December 6 2005, 04:15:53 UTC
Here from metafandom, too, if you don't mind that... I thought this was a really interesting question ( ... )


dis_mount December 9 2005, 02:27:26 UTC
I dallied with LotR for a while myself too, in particular Legolas/Aragorn ('cause there's so much to work with) and, like you said, Merry/Pippin, but it never really did much for me. Thanks for sharing your slash roots (or... you know what I mean).



yesido December 6 2005, 07:09:25 UTC
Here via metafandom as well... I discovered slash when I was maybe 15, and (god help me) had just discovered Anne Rice. This was probably only months prior to the big bruhaha later. Anyway, I did this search on Anne Rice, really trying to find out what books were out, in what order, when a new one was due, that kind of standard thing, and I stumbled across this site that warned for fanfiction AND SLASH!!! Having no idea what the hell this was about but having encountered a warning, I was naturally intrigued. Shockingly enough, it was actually really really good writing, a writer who I still read today, albeit in a different fandom, and still think is just fantastic. And that was the first time I realized that people could take their stories involving other peoples' characters out of their heads and actually, like, write them down.


dis_mount December 9 2005, 02:32:43 UTC
Ah, Anne Rice. Remember the bit in The Vampire Armand (that is what it's called, right?) when Armand and Marius do it in that bath full of roses? That was about the hottest thing to me when I was thirteen. And I am ashamed that I was so obsessed with her stories -- but that time has thankfully passed.

"I realized that people could take their stories involving other peoples' characters out of their heads and actually, like, write them down" you said. Exactly. Wasn't that a wonderful revelation?

Thanks for sharing your slash history with me! *kisses*


trepkos February 26 2006, 12:31:30 UTC
Like you, I consider myself a Natural Born Slasher, though I never knew anyone else was until about 4 years ago when my partner pointed out some Spike/Angel fanfics he'd noticed on the net while looking for BtVS fanfic.
I'd always had a hard-wired mental sparking whenever I saw two guys together, and always had a love for male-bonding scenarios (ST:TOS, LoTR books etc.), but as I say, I thought I was alone!
It has changed my life very much for the better ... Oh well, I only wasted 40 years of my life!
I started writing my first slash fanfic at the end of 2004.


dis_mount February 26 2006, 18:54:13 UTC
Oh, please, you didn't waste 40 years of your life -- if you'd been a homophobic tight-ass who just discovered slash recently then yes, I'd say you wasted your life, but since you *didn't*... You were probably slashing characters without even knowing it. The Fox and the Hound? Arthur and Buster? Gilligan and the Professor? *shudders* Bodie and Doyle? (Everybody's slashed them.) David Bowie and Lou Reed? (Don't know if that counts as *slash*) Ann Rice characters? (Again, is that really slash?) The characters from Fight Club? Timon and Pumba? (Er, spelling?) At least you have the LOTR books (who was your favorite pairing, by the way?)

OK, enough of that. I'm so glad you discovered slash, otherwise I never would have known that Riley and Spike could be together...


trepkos February 26 2006, 23:02:34 UTC
LoTR: Merry/Pippin was obvious as was Frodo/Sam.
Kirk/Spock, of course.
There was this fabulous series called "Arthur of the Britons" starring Oliver Tobias as Arthur and Michael Gothard as his sidekick Kai - kind of a long-haired proto-Spike in appearance. *shivers*
Bowie/Bolan in my head.
And I'm another one who gets Holmes/Watson - especially the Jeremy Brett/David Watsisname version. They play that up deliberately.
Riley and Spike are together!
Strangely, not my OTP for reading purposes, but they just seem to need/deserve each other in my head.


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