I got sent a bunch of cd's in the mail when I was told that I won a DKM dvd. I haven't listened to them, but I recognized a couple bands, so if you would like them, have at it. Also, if you kids are up for some seasons in Madden, NHL, or college football, I have them on xbox (as I'm sure someone over there has them for something else) Let me know if anyone is interested.
1950 Hopkins. You're going to want to be there on the weekends. All are invited.
i'd love to have some free cds. i can't turn that away. let me know what bands you got and i'll tell you what i'm interested in. We have an x box, playstation 2 and a gamecube over here, so i'm not sure if we'd be up for seasons or not. i'll let you know. and also let me know when you guys are having people over, and i'll be there.
i'm sure whoever left your rise against cd in your computer and still has your hang-ups cd is one totally sexy dude, and he's not sorry. actually he probably did it on purpose out of contempt for you. and you're a faggot.
Napoleon dynamite ROCKS!! i'm so glad other people have seen it! and FYI a Liger is a real animal a male lion and a female tiger mate, but its steril and in real life doesn't have magical powers!
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1950 Hopkins. You're going to want to be there on the weekends. All are invited.
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