Nov 10, 2004 08:34
This is not much of a post, but I was just wondering if any of you have any good book selection ideas? I plan on going to the library soon (it has been too long since I was last there) and half price books and I am out of ideas.
thank you
Oct 25, 2004 14:10
Hey lovely children
I have post cards, and they have no homes;
email me your address at dispova@msn.com
or just post it in reply
if you would like a post card
because i would love to send you one
(each postcard come with fun kids' toy!)
Oct 06, 2004 21:26
where the wild beasts roam
and max was king
i wish we were back there
when our love was so pure and unrefined
but now we are sipping on compassion's tea
and finally noticing that those are rings on our makeshift coffee table
and not bubbles ready to float into our hearts