team theme!

Sep 14, 2010 14:09

Name: Anna
Previously stamped as: Zidane ( regular ) daggers ( weapon ) jecht's sword (weapon mirror) chocobo ( summon ), Barbariccia (summon mirror ), This is the last battle ( song ), Bartz ( mirror ) Tidus ( match ), Firion&Tidus ( mirror match ) Quistis ( cameo ), Palom&Yuffie ( cameo mirror )

10 adjectives to describe yourself:
I) Determined : I'm very determined and I don't easily give up on things, I'm always trying to give my best in everything I do and I really believe that perseverance is the key to success in life.
II) Sociable: I'm sociable and it's normally quite easy for me to talk to people even if I don't know them very well. I really like meeting new people and making friends, I'm friendly and easy going.
III) Loyal: I'm very loyal and I would never betray my friends/my family and once I trust a person I stand by them even when the whole world goes against them.
IV) Active: I am an active person and I am always doing something, I really can't stand still for too long.
V) Curious : I'm curious, and I always get up and investigate. I love to see new things, learn something new and I actually seek out new challenges everyday. I think that without challenges life would be boring.
VI) Stubborn:Sometimes I can be sooo stubborn! Probably because I don't like being open to the possibility that I could be wrong and I'm not very good at changing my mind. Honestly, I hardly change my mind about something.
VII) Impatient: I hate just sitting around waiting for something to happen, I'm just not patient at all!I can't wait if someone had a reason for being late of course, but I don't like people who are always late and no matter what the situation they just can't seem to be on time.
VIII) Emotional: I let my emotions out easily, sometimes probably too much and I know I let my emotions guide me more often than not.
IX) Impulsive: : Extremely impulsive as I am I always act and then think. I really rush into things without thinking and get into trouble for it
X) I hold grudges: I know is not a positive things but sometimes I hold grudges for a long time,a very long time. It's very hard for me to put someone who has wronged me in my good graces again and is very difficult for me to forgive them.

Is there a personality trait you would like to change/work on?: not only one to be honest Well, I know sometimes I'm too stubborn, so I guess I should change that.
What traits do you admire in others?: I admire honesty, loyality and corauge. I know sometimes is extremely difficult to do the right thing, especially when others do not support you or when everyone else is doing the wrong thing or not doing anything at all. I admire people who do something because they feel like is the right thing to do, even if they know they will have no benefit from it and even if is the most difficult choice to make.
What type of people you tend to get along with?:. honest, friendly, determined, passionate, optimistic
..and what type of people you tend NOT to get along with?:Rude, selfish, too shy, overly naive, arrogant, cruel,
Do you mind getting "Lone Fighter" stamp?: Nope! Feel free to vote for it if you think is the best fit for me :D

[ What are your views on... ]
Teamwork?Yes!I get along with almost everyone so I would really like to travel with a group. I normally get along with everyone so I can imagine this group to be composed of different people but I hope at least one of them is more more and responsable than me! I hope that every member can add something new and special to the group ( and I hope there are no children in this group, I'm not good with kids!).I normally like to work as a part of a team, small, big or medium sized groups but it is easier to know each other when the group is not extremely big.
Friendly rivalry? Well, if it's nothing too serious yes.
Playing dirty?No please. We are friends, we have to help and support each other.
Humanity as a whole?I'm pessimistic and a bit cynical  but even I think there's still good in this world and humanity as a whole is not that bad after all.The world is a fine place to live in but I don't think the world is good or bad,I believe that it is both.

[ Your own adventure... ]
Imagine this is your own story, tell us what is it that you're fighting for, your goals and what is your story about?:I think that my story would be about friendship, but also a story about courange, freedom, self discovery and change.
In your story, Is there something that motivates you in moving forward and not giving up? Because I want to archieve my goal I suppose. I can be pretty determined when I set my mind to something so I know I won't give up easily. I can imagine our path to be full of struggles and difficult moments but I'll do my best to archive my goal.

[ Teamwork time! ]
Even when in a group, do you often want to do things on your own? Probably sometimes, and is totally fine is the other members prefer to be on their own sometimes as long as we still continue our journey together and we're still a "group".
Is it alright if others in your group have different goals from you?Yes as long as their goal is not the opposite of my own.
Regardless of the previous answer, are there and traits or goals that could cause you to refuse to even considering joining up with them?If they want to take over the world, kill someone or something like that.
Do you want to have fun on the way or to only focus on the next task? have fun on the way of course!
If one of your group members was in danger, would you want to try to help them? Help! I would honestly prefer if the others group members were not people who have to always rely on others. I know we're a group and we would definitely help and support each other but I hope we can all provide something to the group( no damsel in distress for me pretty please )

After it's all over, do you hope to keep in touch and meet them again? Yes!
4 applications you have voted on: (Do NOT recycle links)

Voters! You can find all the available options here.

Voters! You can find all the available options here.

team: cecil/cloud/firion/tidus

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