Name: Laura
Previously stamped as: Bartz
10 adjectives to describe yourself: determined, free spirited, adventurous, friendly, confident, pessimistic, sarcastic, critical, impulsive, lazy
Is there a personality trait you would like to change/work on?: I would like to be less impulsive. Sometimes I rush into things without thinking first, because I don't have the patient to think things over or just because it seems like a good idea at the moment (and normally it's not a good idea at all).
What traits do you admire in others?: I admire honesty. I admire someohe who is honest and direct because and always says what he thinks. I admire that because I really can't stand liars and I like honest people who are not afraid to give their opinion about something or someone.
What type of people you tend to get along with?:I like laid back and easy going people, someone with sense of humour, friendly, loyal, adventurous and determined.
..and what type of people you tend NOT to get along with?:I have to admit I don't like overly shy people much, And I dislike rude and mean people much and i also can't stand damsell in distress.
Do you mind getting "Lone Fighter" stamp?: Nope, go wild.
[ What are your views on... ]
Teamwork?Yes, please! I normally prefer working with medium groups of people, because I want to have a strong bond with everyone in the group, but this can't happen if we're too much. I'm mostly a team player, I like working with others very much, and I have do admit that generally I am more comfortable working with others than alone. I'm a good team player and I generally get along with everyone because of my friendly and laidback attitude and even if I know that working in a group is not as easy as working alone, because members of a group don't always cooperate well, I think that working with a group is far more interesting and fun. It may allows you to get to know other people, and share your ideas with other members of the group.
Friendly rivalry? Yes! I think a friendly rivalry can be fun and exciting, it can be useful because it can be a good source of motivation. As long as you do it for the fun of it and don't get too serious about it, of course!
Playing dirty?I would rather not, I prefer to win fair and square.
Humanity as a whole?I think that people are not good or bad. People are people. Better to judge people by their actions on a case by case. Plus I believe there is bad in the best of us and good in the worst of us, none of us are perfect. Even if I'm overly pessimistic I still think that the world is something beautiful.
[ Your own adventure... ]
Imagine this is your own story, tell us what is it that you're fighting for, your goals and what is your story about?:Uhm. I would prefer a story about friendship and independence, full of action and with a lot of adventure.
In your story, Is there something that motivates you in moving forward and not giving up?Probably because there is something I want to accomplish, or simply because I met the others by accident (I'm always in the wrong place at the wrong time) and we decide to travel together because we have the same goal.
[ Teamwork time! ]
Even when in a group, do you often want to do things on your own? It depends. Sometimes I have to do things on my own and deal with my problems alone, but for the most part I like to help others and be helped too.
Is it alright if others in your group have different goals from you? Yes, as long as they don't go against my beliefs. I mean, I can't work with someone who wants to kill someone else, desotroy the world of such things.
Regardless of the previous answer, are there and traits or goals that could cause you to refuse to even considering joining up with them? Yes, like I said before if their goal is against my beliefs I can't really join up with them.
Do you want to have fun on the way or to only focus on the next task? Yes, I think having fun during our journey is very important. Of course our priority would be reaching our goal, but there's nothing wrong in having fun.
If one of your group members was in danger, would you want to try to help them? Of couse yes, helping a friend in need is a must!
After it's all over, do you hope to keep in touch and meet them again? Yes, please! I would like to have a strong bound with them, so I really hope to keep and touch and meet them again!
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