Angelic Brothers.
Mascot of the archangels.
Metatron |
usiah "His voice does not falter, does not fade."
more to come~
Michael |
archistrategos "I have every faith in you, Gabriel."
One of the closest of his brothers, Gabriel trusts Michael beyond the shadow of a doubt, the other was there to help him with the Persians and has always been a source of strength in this life as well.
Raphael |
patronofmatches "And what if I've already done more than enough to lead to my fall?"
more to come~
Samael |
andaclatter "I always figured it was a fucking struggle to care even for me but I'm glad you're here to lay it out for me, brother."
more to come~
Uriel |
flamethrown "I would rather be nowhere else but here with all of you, brother."
The other brother he is closest to, Uriel is always one Gabriel can go to for comfort and support in troubled times. Uriel's greyhound, Evita, has also become a good companion of Lamby's and they have had many play dates together.
Zerachiel |
Elaine of Corbenic |
thegrailmaiden CONTENTGOESHERE
Eve |
appletreething CONTENTGOESHERE
Hebe |
lettucelive "It's okay if you're not like your brothers, because I'm not like mine."
A good friend after a chance meeting. She accompanies him many days on walks with Lamby in the park. A friendship that is still growing but she is always cheerful company.
Mary Magdalene |
findaheaven Once a follower of Jesus, Gabriel watches over her from afar for now.
Sir Percival |
Death |
Famine |
Azazel |
cosmetic_devil CONTENTGOESHERE
Kokabiel |
Penemue |
unrestingdemon CONTENTGOESHERE
Samyaza |
notoriousrebel "I was extremely selfish and I cannot regret it."
One of the Grigori, Samyaza has earned even more of a dislike and wariness from Gabriel over mentions of wanting eat Lamby and making a scene at the hospital in front of everyone. Needless to say, Gabriel is not amused by Samyaza's antics.