Apologies to those I told I would be free by about now. I started feeling really badly last night while writing a paper. I decided to sleep but was unable to do so because of the discomfort, and while awake and upright, I made little progress on the paper for the same reason. When I tried to eat something early in the morning, I retched. So I
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Yesterday I was embarrassed to be doing Anchorsplash tomorrow with Phi Mu Alpha. Today I couldn't be more proud. You guys are my heroes. Hail Sinfonia!
So, many of you probably wonder what I've been doing down in TN for the whole semester. I just had to write an abstract (it may not be quite in it's final form, but it's close) describing just that, so I thought I'd post it and get you up to date. Last names have been dropped to protect probably nobody. But I did it anyway.