Patet Lugtu 10:18 PM: I'm speaking figuratively of course like the last time that i committed suicide, social suicide. Methinks what? Is Patet okay? *After 2-3 minutes* Oooohhhh Alessa Arevalo 10:24 PM: Yeah, so I'm already dead, On the inside but I can still pretend.
I recently just discovered How I Met Your Mother (although my Kuya was bugging me to watch it around 2 years ago) and I love it! It is so funny and awesome. I also love all of the characters especially Barney!
Barney Stinson is legen-wait for it-dary! I love him and all of his Barneyisms
So far, second term has been kind to me. That's nice
Went to the salon with Bau last night. My hair is totally different from last year! Goodbye long permed hair. Hello again short hair ala Nicole Richie circa 2005