(+)Booze, good people offering housing, San Francisco trash/treasure digs, sweet mellow coffee shops in Salem, babes, bung, and playing to empty bars at 11pm
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Let's have a ball and a biscuit sugar And take our sweet little time about it Let's have a ball girl And take our sweet little time about it Tell everbody in the place just to get out We'll get clean together And I'll find a soapbox where I can shout it
May 1st, the anniversary of Justin's birth as an excuse to get raging drunk at a Motel 6 with various people doing kicks off walls, backflips on beds and drunk boxing.
My van (AKAMilleniumFalcon)for taking me to places and back ALIVE.
I feel as though I'm the one on the bed The one in the last throes of the end I've even got the rivermen coming for my hands I'm searching for stakes to tie me to land