I found this on hondagirl 's page the other day. I meant to post it then. I forgot. So please play with me...I want to play.
Here are the specs:
MAKEOUT MEME: Pick a pairing from any fandom, and come up with a location and/or situation, and I will write you between 50 and 250 words about the kiss that happened in that context. I'm so not good with that word
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Slowly but surely, I'm trying to regain my online identity. I sat in front of my Advanced Financial Management Exam last night for over two hours. I stared at the last page for at least 45 minutes and only answered one question. I hope I pass, I really do not want to revisit this class again. Plus I only have three courses left and it's a wrap on
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Ask me about a pairing (or character) I have written (or haven't and you think I should write) and I will give you five facts about them or a ficlet or a song that is CLEARLY THEIR SONG or what they order from the Chinese place down the street, etc, etc. - Whatever hits me about the lovelies you pick.