Welcome Post

Mar 13, 2011 18:29

Welcome to tvd_women ! An open community dedicated to the beautiful, diverse, fascinating, flawed, complicated and complex women of The Vampire Diaries.  By all, I mean ALL, including women who have only graced our screens for a minute of screen time (here's looking at you, nurse).

I hope this place will be super-active and we will do whatever it takes to facilitate that including hosting character-of-the-week/month postings, thematic discussions, episode discussions, art challenges, fic challenges, drabble challenges, every challenge imaginable etc. - and when we run through them all, we'll just start up again.

Please feel free to post: fic, art, graphics including icons, videos, meta, discussions, fic challenges, ficathons (we will host those too), anything really as long as the focus is the women and/or their relationships. Link to posts on your journals, share news or spoilers. TAG your posts always - I'll set those up asap. And most of all, have fun!

This is a safe and respectful space for many of us who enjoy these characters for various reasons. This is NOT a space to bash, insult other posters or the characters themselves or the actors, or push forward some sort of singular shipping agenda. Let's keep it awesome. See the rest of the rules in the next post.

keenan24, ladygawain, and doom_cheesepuff  are your trusty mods, we're here if you need anything.

Interested in affiliating? Please reply to this post.



!welcome, !mod post, !comments, !questions, !rules

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