1. Be respectful. We're all here first and foremost because we love these characters or are somewhat invested in them or in the show. We may not always agree with each other or the direction the show's going but this is a forum to discuss, debate without disrespecting each other. Be as passionate as you like, we know we are, but intolerance for different viewpoints, personal and/or rude attacks on another member of the community are a big, fat NO.
2. No bashing. At all. Of characters, pairings, other members of the community, or the actors on the show. Critiquing the show, particular narrative elements of the show, factual flaws of characters and/or relationships is not bashing. However, straight-up insulting them or making unfounded accusations and claims is bashing. Also, using women-friendly, people-friendly language is an excellent thing. Many of us may have used misogynistic language - let's take the time to check ourselves at the door. It's not welcome here. Otherwise, feel free to express yourselves exactly how you want to..
3. This community is open to all aspects of fandom creativity: fanfiction based on the television show or books is welcome. As are videos, poetry, art, picspams, graphics, icons, GIFs, and the like. Also, meta and discussions posts, analyses are more than welcome and actively encouraged. THE BIG RULE: they must be about the women. Specific women characters, women in general, women within their relationships (together, or with men, platonic, romantic, het, femmeslash, poly etc.) on the show or in the books.
4. Squee is welcome. Remember, this is about celebrating too. We can keep a balance of the thoughtful and analytical with some much-needed playfulness.
5. SHIPS/PAIRINGS: again, discussion or fic around particular ships is very welcome. For fic, if those pairings happen to be het, women must feature significantly therein. The same goes for a discussion post - we don't feel comfortable dictating here but we think if you find yourself focusing on Damon or Stefan or Jeremy [insert male] and mentioning a woman character's name less than five times or if women are invisible in some way - no. Crossovers are welcome as long as a TVD lady is present and accounted for.
6. Fanfic writing how-to posts are all good. Try to hone in on writing for women characters and writing in The Vampire Diaries fandom. Research question posts for fanfic about canon or anything are also allowed.
7. Please put a clear warning for posts containing ANY spoilers for upcoming or recent episodes of The Vampire Diaries and be sure to use a cut.
8. TAG everything. If a new tag needs to be created, tell a mod.
9. In general, we would prefer that people NOT link posts made here on public platforms like FaceBook etc., some people need to safeguard their privacy and it wouldn't be fair to do so. So if you feel the pressing need to share, either invite your friends to join the community or ask the author for permission. Authors, please feel free to give permission for readers to share in your posts.
10. Any other questions? Need for further clarity? Write it
HERE, or contact a mod via PM.
1. Do NOT link to locked posts or posts that will be locked in the immediate future.
2. The
LJ cut is your best friend in all situations, but obviously, especially for text heavy or graphic-heavy posts.
3. All posts require a header with a title and warnings. Specific character(s), ships, disclaimer where needed, and a brief description/notes (that may include season or episode references etc.). For fic posts, videos, or graphic posts, please also add a rating, use
this as a reference. A sample header can be found below. Trigger-y topics (such as rape, abuse, etc.) are allowed as long as you have the appropriate warnings.
Author/name (optional):
Rating (if applicable):
Disclaimer (if applicable)
4. Plagiarism is NOT allowed, also it's gross. Any reports of plagiarism within the community will be taken seriously.
5. Feel free to promote other communities, or livejournal events as long as the focus is The Vampire Diaries female characters in some way.
Thanks: to various communities for inspiration on how best to write up these rules seeing as I've never done this before in my life, including,
beinghuman ontd_buffy chlollie tvd_meta halfamoon .