So we've been assigned as partners for this Glee Friendship thing. No shock we got assigned together. Of course I only consider you and two others in Glee actual friends. I think most everyone else in there wants me to crash and burn. Not that I blame them. Anyway, Do you have any Ideas? I've got a couple. everyone I've slushied. It was bound to happen...Scott Cooper and a couple of my other former hockey teammates decided it was time for me to get initiated as a glee loser during lunch. I can't get mad about it...if anyone deserves a slushieing it's me. If I had realized how much those things actually hurt... I would have stopped after the
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It's nice getting home early for awhile. With Hockey Season Over and Baseball not starting til March...I have window to relax and play Video games after school...BF3 or Skyrim I can't decide.
Player Name: Brian Player Age: 29+1 Contact Email: AIM: dkarofsky77 Yahoo: bfg2099 Other Characters Played: none Character Name: Dave Karofsky Character LJ: dkarofsky77 Age: 15 Appearance:
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