Sat, 04:04: RT @ socalhaikusg: broken window a sonic boom of stars Kimberly Esser A Sonci Boom of Stars, 2020 Southern California Haiku Study Group An…
Sat, 04:04: RT @ socalhaikusg: water thrush- as if time never visited here Linda Galloway, shell gathering, SCHSG 2009 anthology
Mon, 06:06: RT @ socalhaikusg: the ripe persimmon pressed to her lips- unrequited love D'ellen, A Sonic Boom of Stars, 2020 Southern California Study G…
Mon, 06:07: RT @ socalhaikusg: . blue moon viewing-- the pacific ocean filled with stars Beki Reese, dandelion breeze, 2013 SCSHG Anthology #haiku#mi…