Can't fight an Eclipse.

Aug 09, 2007 17:22

Review of Eclipse

At first I decided that I would have lots quotes, but frankly I don't have time for that at the moment.
Long,loooong entry, I don't think i've ever been that invested in writing a review of fandom before! )

eclipse, review

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Comments 54

calikalie August 9 2007, 22:47:58 UTC
Oh god, yes. All of it. One big WORD. I'm putting this in my memories, because it sums up a lot of my things perfectly. After reading everyone's thoughts, I'm starting to think I need more pro-Edward and Edward/Bella fans on my flist, because they are sorely lacking representation :( I just can't share in the "Jacob is the best ever" squeeage after this book.

As for the epilogue, I'm really hoping for the latter. Since SM loves Jacob so much, I highly doubt she would leave off the series for him in a bad way. And since he's only really been looking at Bella, he hasn't had the chance to imprint yet. So, I'm also holding out for that to happen sometime in BD (hopefully, because I can't take any more of Jacob pining after Bella and forcing kisses and such).

You know, I'm really quite nervous about BD because of Eclipse. It's freaking me out now. Then I read this. And my good mood and optimism came back for me ( ... )


usedtobending August 10 2007, 01:27:02 UTC
Gah! I know what you mean about the Jacob love and the defense of his manipulating ways and such. I read the book early and the only reviews I could find were exactly that. I honestly couldn't believe that I was reading the same book as them lol.

But there are a lot of pro-Edward reviews coming out that say everything I am thinking and defend Edward properly so I am happy :D And IA you need to find more pro-Edward and E/B, it really is refreshing :D


calikalie August 10 2007, 02:24:46 UTC
No kidding! I'm so glad that finally all of the Edward fans are coming out of the woodworks and expressing their thoughts, because I honestly thought I was crazy. And it's so hard, because I want to like Jacob in this book. I really do. But I just can't. I was one of those that read the book early also.

I feel really lame for saying this because it's my own journal, but it's gotten to the point where I don't even want to say anything negative about Jacob or something pro-Edward or pro-E/B for fear of people pouncing on me :(

I bet it would be refreshing, because nearly my entire flist is a Jacob lovefest and while I did like him circa-New Moon, my interest in Edward is totally eclipsing (I couldn't resist) that feeling right now.

By the way, do you mind if I friend you? I could absolutely get use to more people more in tune with how I feel about these books :)


usedtobending August 10 2007, 04:13:15 UTC
I thought Jacob was tolerable, until the last few chapters...he really got to me. Both him and Bella actually. Every time I read a pro-Jacob review it makes me angrier and my dislike hate grows lol ( ... )


brennans August 9 2007, 22:53:17 UTC
A part of me is thrilled Edward was the one Bella chose but I am scared Stephenie is going to go back on it, and gah I still have lots to read but know all how it goes down and it frustrates me. It makes me feel and love Edward even more. He's so selfless, and would do anything to have Bella be happy and safe. Even if it means his own suffering. I wish Bella would've cared more about his feelings before the Jacob crap. Jacob is far to selfish for me, and it's easier for me to sympathize with Edward, because of his selflessness and because he of all people don't deserve to be hurt. I didn't mind Bella at all in New Moon, but gah Eclipse... WTF! People compare Logan to Jacob, but HELL to the NO. Edward = Logan. You know that scene in which Edward tells Bella he just wants her safe? Reminded me of Logan ala 3x08. Le sigh. Sorry had to bring that up.


dmitup August 10 2007, 16:47:24 UTC
Jacob as Logan? Noooo, that would be Edward,it's funny but i've been talking all around that we might have a RT case here, it's just that Eclipse shouldn't have been a book that doubts Bella's love for Edward.
I can't sympathize with Jacob, I just can't. Maybe if he would have approached her in a different way, dunno.


brasaremean August 9 2007, 23:58:06 UTC
oh god, i wrote you like..a lifelong comment of 14000 characters. lmao. anyways, i'll just split it to like...4 comments.


dmitup August 10 2007, 16:48:17 UTC
Oh whoa! lolol That's great!, i'm going to start replying back now, it might take me one hour too XD


brasaremean August 10 2007, 16:49:21 UTC
loollolo i really didn't think it would be THAT MUCH. sorry :(


brasaremean August 9 2007, 23:58:58 UTC
omg you'll hate me so much after this for making you read so much but here goes. GUSH I LOVE DISCUSSING STUFF WITH YOU.

First of all, I'm not one of those who absolutely loved it. It's odd, because I've read reviews that agree on my point of view,but loved it.

i liked it the most um...quality wise. meaning, her writing improved, and i mean IMPROVED A LOT. but book as a book - twilight is still my favorite. i loved new moon so much, unbelievably much, just because of those first three and last few chapters and because of the whole hallucination thingies. eclipse only tops new moon on edward moments, nothing else. of course, neither top twilight. :D

I think that 'Eclipse' is way too confusing. What's coming on the next book is completely unclear. For instance,the epilogue, was it a way of having Jacob turning into a werewolf forever or was it about him deciding to control his emotions for Bella? I'd like to think it's the second option, but i'm not sure.i think it had to do with both actually. except for the whole werewolf forever ( ... )


brasaremean August 10 2007, 00:00:11 UTC
+Sam/Emily. Because I've got no pity for Leah, uh... well sort of.

actually, i completely failed to see anything romantic about it. i also failed to see anything similar between jacob and leah, as stephenie's obvious intention was - to make us see another triangle and then compare i with edward/bella/jacob and then be all like "OMG HE'S IN SO MUCH PAIN" (im doing the pain thing on purpose). i can sympathize with leah. she WAS with sam. they loved each other. he was abruptly taken away from her, and she couldn't do anything about it. IT ISN'T ANYTHING LIKE JACOB'S SITUATION. with jacob it was still bella's free will. it's not like edward forced her to choose him. he even said she should choose jacob. aw edward.

+That Note Edward left for Bella when he went hunting. IT WAS WAY TOO SWEET.

like i said. aw edward.

+Edward asking Bella if she only wanted to be a vampire because of the immortality business.i totally didn't see this coming. i didn't even think of it. and i mean, i kind of, just kind of was a bit, a tiny little bit pissed ( ... )


dmitup August 11 2007, 18:44:14 UTC
Actually,I thought it was a bit off for him to ask that, but I was more than happy that he did, because really, maybe she's not doing it just to be immortal, but she's doing it because she wants to be beautiful, so he was sort of right about something.


I was laughing my ass off when I read somewhere that she said that it was going to be difficult to hate on Jacob after this book, I'm not hating on Jacob!the friend but I'm hating on The manipulator!forceful!jake.

I KNOW! The only reason she saw it was because he was human, that's why I said that if SM wanted to represent the idea of Bella having options, she could have done it better. I mean really, where did this SUN-WISE LOVE FOR JACOB CAME FROM? WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF?!


dmitup August 10 2007, 17:17:13 UTC
LOL! You think i'm mad because of all the replies? no way!!. I love discussing Eclipse. I'm really forward to people asking SM questions, i'm eager to read her answers ( ... )


brasaremean August 10 2007, 00:01:42 UTC
Not only did I felt that SM forced all of this Jacob stuff on us, I feel that it was all over the top, because if the point of Eclipse was to show that Bella's love for Edward overshadowed everything else, I think it was done poorly. See, in Twilight, we fell for Edward/Bella and their chemistry. I mean you can't have doubts that Edward loves Bella, because really if he didn't he wouldn't have put himself and his family through so much when Bella was 'kidnapped' at the end. Their love was described in a really great form, now on NM we have Edward leaving because he feels like he had her in too much danger and he was taking away her human experiences, he did it because he thought it was best for him, he was sacrificing his relationship with Bella for her safety. I mean you can't get any better than that. But now on Eclipse we have this love-triangle. We have bella saying that Edward is it for her but somehow all she cares about is Jacob's pain. The whole book was about Jacob being in pain.BUT JACOB IS IN PAIN NICOLE, CAN'T YOU SEE THAT ( ... )


dmitup August 11 2007, 18:33:32 UTC
That's how it should have been called really. I guess that's why I wasn't all that fond of the epilogue, there wasn't anything new there, well if it means he's still after Bella in BD.
Honestly, His pain was worse than Bella's in New Moon,really.

IKNORIGHT, WHO DOESN'T WANT TO KNOW ABOUT EDWARD SEX?! I'm just mad because looked like a really horrible person, God was Bella horny in this book.
*gasp* She did try to jump him in the tent?! I think I blocked that out, how did it go down?!
Oh,i'm also with Bella's mom on this but, really... that didn't really have anything to do with Bella's decision, she was afraid of people thinking she would be pregnant, WTF.WTF.WTF.WTF.WTF.WTF.

Really, that scene showed clearly how hurt Edward was, couldn't she tell? IT WAS FREAKING OBVIOUS! While reading that I felt like I was reading some sort of abusing relationship book.


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