This is a restamp, since it was almost two years ago that I was originally stamped and I've changed alot in that time.
Name: Michiru
Age: 17 (18 in January)
Height: 5’1”
Personality: I’m a very ambitious and intelligent person and cannot stand stupidity or immaturity. I can be manipulative sometimes, and I apparently have enough charisma to do it since EVERYONE tends to think I’m a sweet and nice person-I really don’t know where they get that. I’m very bossy and controlling and I hate being told what to do or made to look stupid. I hold grudges, especially if someone turns on me and stabs me in the back after I’ve trusted them; I don’t like people who spit on my loyalty and I WILL get back at them. As I said, I’m loyal to that point, but not stupid enough to trust someone once they’ve done something to me. I can be crazy sometimes-who can’t-and get excited and hyper; I’m also a total pervert all the time sometimes. I have a bit of a temper as well, particularly when someone argues with me and I KNOW I’m right or someone outright calls me a liar when I’m being truthful (Not to say that I don’t lie, but I only do if it’s necessary). I’m also so realistic as to be nearly pessimistic, and I can normally predict outcomes before they happen just out of reasoning and intuition, which irritates people because I have to say “I told you so.” I’m pretty egotistic as I think you can tell.
Strengths: Intelligence, maturity, hard-working when I must be, loyal to those I care for, sarcastic, good at giving advice, good leader, creative.
Weaknesses: Bossy, moody, whiney, egotistic, stubborn, procrastinator, lazy, impatient,
can be obsessive over things I like, and I can ramble when I'm feeling particuliarly enlightened or upset, easily bored, perfectionist (it’s a weakness, believe me), distrusting of others, paranoid.
Bad Habits: If I don’t feel like working, I’ll get restless and put something off until the last minute and end up rushing to get something done-I get easily distracted by whatever seems more appealing at the time. I also like playing with people’s minds and making them twitch for my own amusement, which probably isn’t a good thing but it makes me laugh.
Likes: Watching criminal/law/forensic/medical shows on TV (Fictional and nonfictional), anime/manga, Cosplay/sewing/designing, rping, writing/reading fanfiction, listening to music, talking to friends, thinking/philosophizing, yaoi, learning strange/interesting facts, foreign languages, history, being pervy, sarcasm, wit, theorizing about things.
Dislikes: Organized religion, homophobes/snobby/stuck-up/stupid/unduly arrogant/compulsively lying/unnecessarily deceitful/closed-minded/racist/imbecilic/irresponsible/unrealistic/annoying people, being bored, having too much work and not enough time to sleep, not being in charge of a situation, extreme heat or cold, spiders, heights, being annoyed, people arguing with me over something they have no idea about/ not doing what I say, feeling useless or not knowing something.
Hobbies: See likes.
Talents: Writing, learning strange/interesting facts, I have a good memory for details, learning languages, sewing/designing, music, being insightful (Apparently, since I’m usually right about things), role-playing, giving advice on handling situations.
Interests: Likes, again.
Favourite character: I personally divide the series into halves, with Raito being my favorite in the first half and Mello in the second. Overall, it’s definitely Raito; from chapter one I realized he had the same feelings I have about society and people, and was immediately drawn to him. Between that and how bloody genius he is, I fell in love with him-even at the end, when I knew he’d lost himself to insanity (which was interesting to watch, because it brought things full-circle and showed just how corrupted by the power of Kira he’d become). Mello, on the other hand, I like for his wanting and striving to prove himself so much; I relate to that and understand that need.
Least favourite character: Near without a doubt. There was always something that irked me about him, and then I realized he reminded me of this one kid I’ve always had a strong dislike for. I can’t really explain what it is about him; I think it’s everything that just makes me dislike him.
Would you use the Death Note?: I have a feeling I’d turn out much like Raito. I’d test it out, realize it worked, have to test it again just to be sure, and then be drawn to it over and over and over and go on a purging of people I thought were bad in some way or another. I’d probably be caught more quickly though, because I don’t pretend I’m as smart as he is, and I’d go insane fairly fast.
Who would you use it on, and why?: More than likely people I thought were bad for society; considering economic conditions for normal people in America, I think there’d be some choice politicians dropping off like flies. There’d be criminals as well, I bet, because once I got into the swing of things I’m fairly sure I’d want to take out the people who weren’t receiving a just punishment for their crimes.
Do you support Kira?: I support his ideas and his wanting to instill justice by destroying the evil people of the world. Although I don’t necessarily support his killing of the detectives chasing him and anyone who was a threat to his power, it recognize that it WAS necessary to his retention of power.
Anything else you'd like to add?: I come across so “blah” in my applications, but I’m not quite so dead-sounding in real-life. I’m usually moderately energetic, especially when it comes to something I’m knowledgeable about or interested in.
Pictures!:¤t=Picture267.jpg¤t=Picture269.jpg I was cosplaying Nanao from BLEACH last night for Halloween because I couldn’t wear a wig (oh headaches), but since I didn’t wear anything differently from normal (except my bangs, but it looks good and Im adopting it) I figured they’d work.
My five votes!: