L likes pudding

Nov 05, 2007 02:21

Name: I go by Samu. Laura? I'm sorry--who?
Age: 22
Height: 5'1" (no short jokes, plzthnx)
Personality: selfish, weird (some say, but I fail to see the weirdness in my behavior), lazy, insanely calm (it really takes a lot to shake me into action), can't be arsed to care, I get over a lot of things really fast, proud to a fault, easily amused but otherwise difficult to entertain for long periods of time, introverted although I do like to boss people around, I'm kind of mean and insensible and... I have a strange sense of humor?
Strengths: impartiality (because I don't care enough to get emotionally involved in anything), optimism and... that's about it.
Weaknesses: I'm lazy as-- Lazy. It all starts and ends with this.
Bad Habits: procrastinating.

Likes: Tabasco sauce, coffee & cigarettes, good jokes (or jokes in general, whether they're good or not), uplifting music. Anything that radiates happy.
Dislikes: whiners, emo people, arrogant assholes, sadness, animal testing.
Hobbies: writing, drawing, walking (what? it's a hobby, mmkay?), reading. I'm an interesting person, aren't I?
Talents: I'm fairly good at drawing, I'd like to believe. Also, I have a natural talent at picking up foreign languages pretty fast.
Interests: Drawing and writing as a whole (I'd like to either write a book and illustrate it, or make a comic. Someday.) Voice-acting, maybe, although I haven't tried that one yet. Could be fun, though.

Favorite character: Matt. I can't explain why, but I like him best.
Least favorite character: Takada Kiyomi. She's smart enough to realize that Light's blatantly using her, yet she does nothing to stop it.
Would you use the Death Note?: Give me a Death Note and we'll see. ;) Seriously now, I think I will. For my own benefit. And I think Light should've done the same too; he wouldn't have ended up looking like a hypocrite. :/
Who would you use it on, and why?: Anyone who pisses me off badly enough or whose death would benefit me.
Do you support Kira?: Not really. The idea of a crime-free world is something everyone likes as long as it's still an idea. When someone tries to implement it (and especially if they go about implementing it like Light did), people get upset.

Anything else you'd like to add?: Not really. Just that I'm not as bad as I may seem? And from the looks of it, my app'll give you some trouble.

Pictures!: ...hell no. I'm camera-shy? I don't look like anyone in particular, so why bother? >_>;

My five votes!:

stamped: matt

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