Name: Lilith.
Age: 13.
Height: 5'3.
Personality: One word to describe me would be creative, to put it simply. I am the type of person who always looks towards the future rather than the present. I don't have many friends, however the ones I do have are close to myself and I value them because they earned my trust (which I rarely give out). My high-ambitions and assertive nature tend you set me apart from the rest, however, even if I do not communicate or interact much (anti-social) I am well respected by peers and others. Even those who challenge my acknowledge my potential and current status. I usually think things through and hate to make mistakes or say something stupid. I do speak my opinion when it is needed and always have the conscience to do the right thing. However, I lie fairly easily and are easily underestimated. I am polite towards everyone, no matter how rude it may seem and brutally honest. However, people do not trust me that well as I seem to....well, I give off an arrogant aura due to my over confidence, it seems. I am a deep thinker as well, however indecisive and immature in the seriousness of situations. I love to be challenged, and are easily bored by things and others that do not meet my standards. My IQ is 157. I find television uneventful.
Strengths: Literate, mature for the most part, easy-going/ care-free, serious, calm, tolerant, intelligent, flexible, open-minded, open to new options of suggestions, logical, meticulous, friendly, polite, somewhat responsible, honest (even if I come off rude), suave, humorous (in a witty way), good memory, somewhat organized (could care less about tidy or nice-looking even if I am.....attractive), quick-minded, talented, determined/ambitious, realist, respectful (unless they do not do so for me), and apparently adorable (why am I letting my mother help me with this?).
Weaknesses: Stubborn, firm, unmerciful, somewhat taciturn, does not like repeating self or being interrupted in anything, does not hesitate or procrastinate, loathes to be below someone obviously stupider/less worthy than me, moody, unreasonable, confusing, impatient, childish, fickle, second-guesser/indecisive, overly assured, persuasive, reckless, not at all a perfectionist, does not do things that do not catch my interests, egoistic, paranoid, strange (I usually write things by holding onto the pen like it was broken in the middle, I eat fork-foods with spoons, and I often neglect to wear any other outfit than a t-shirt and jeans), and a liar of sorts.
Bad Habits: Thinking too much and not sleeping, disobeying things that I find unjustified, chewing on bottle caps and putting my fingers in my mouth a lot. It's been a habit for ages, and I'm not just saying that. I might have Autism. -Shrugs.-
Likes: Reading, writing, drawing, sleeping. The usual. I like reading some murder case books from time to time, playing Sodoku and Chess or the Rubik's Cube and Tetris, stacking Jenga blocks when I'm bored and playing the game by myself, talking to my "friend", photography, holidays, waiting it out for adoption (...Me and my brother both, but he's 24. Not fair.), traveling to forest-like/mountain-like areas, wondering how England is doing, studying weather patterns, proving people wrong, playing video games, stargazing, answering questions, observing, contemplating, learning, making names up/being someone else, and scribbling all over everything.
Dislikes: Pretty much the world as it is now: The people, the pollution, the war, and poverty and disease, murder, and government. Discrimination especially. I hate public schooling systems and immature people. I'm not too pleasant on the topic of babysitting kids, but I say, the knowledge I know could come in handy. I also dislike studying and being forced to do something I dislike. Chores are annoying, meat and unhealthy assortments, and so is waking up some times. I also hate chat speak for the most part, and art with no definable meaning. Also- summer.
Hobbies: A majority of them are listed in likes. I also enjoy tennis and Tai Kwan Do.
Talents: Must I list them? I am a prodigy, I excel at everything. Drawing and writing for the most part, and being able to figure things out before everyone else.
Interests: For the most part, it is listed above as well. I find this redundant in my case.
Favourite character: Mello, he's such a person I always wanted to be. xD
Least favourite character: Mmm, Takada. She needs no reason.
Would you use the Death Note?: Not at all.
Who would you use it on, and why?: Had I needed or been forced to use it, I'd cut off my own hand. Well, maybe not cut off my own hand, but something of the like.
Do you support Kira?: His ideals of creating a new world biased off fear and sabotaged mortality is callous, wrong, and imperfect to an extent that even God would had to of intersected at some point.
Anything else you'd like to add?: My first sentence, was, strangely, "Where were you when this happened?". Of course is was a bit slurred and happened sounded like "hupand", but I had my point across. About two days after, it was perfect. In kindergarten, my mother and I conversed about heart pacemakers in the hospital. An old lady was surprised. And...I hate ghosts.
Pictures!: Those steal your soul.
My five votes!: