Title: His Badly Drawn Boy
Pairing: Vaguely Ryan/Spencer
Summary: In the
rada 'verse, you should write a snippet where it becomes clear what Spencer does for a living. It is killing me. Perhaps a scene from (I watch) the sky coming down to bury me, between when Ryan asks Spencer to go back to England with him and when they leave.
redsnake05 because she
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Comments 4
I love that you like the play bit, because I kind of had to! Yeah, Spencer's his own dude, which we don't see so much in the original. It's nice to show it.
You are most welcome. I think it's important that I know all about this 'verse and you are only helping!
Oh and Spencer's job makes sense and it was a good thing to see he had his own things going on. I didn't see that so much with the original story but that makes sense because it is following Ryan around and his perspective only focuses on certain things.
Yeah, I'm thinking about doing soemthing with Spencer, maybe when they were living in New York together and give him a bit of his own life.
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