Mar 25, 2010 19:29
People are so stupid.
Though it is true everywhere, right now i am referring only to [a large number of] Americans. Goddamn!
People are so stupid. That is all.
OH NOOoooo, government takeover of healthcare NOOOOO!!!! IT IS THE END OF THE WORDL :O
NOOOOO, not teh evil, EVIL socialism!!!
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Comments 19
(And yes, I know that this reform is not at all the same system Canada has, but I do have to laugh at the people screaming socialism too. XD)
What a bunch of crap.
I'm hoping that what the administration in America has done is the first step toward finally joining the rest of the developed-world in the 21st century, healthcare-wise :P
And yeah, that is bullshit. If someone has a bad enough issue, they just go straight to a private doctor, or based on their condition they get priority to less sick people.
My only issue with the bill was that it was stupid to keep with the insurance at all--it's a broken system that doesn't work. Instead of trying to fix health insurance we should have thrown it out the window and worked on healthcare itself--but apparently that would be too "unamerican" and instead we have to reinvent the wheel so we aren't like those damn socialists.
*headdesk* Yes, because making sure diabetic children are no longer excluded from plans totally = systematic killing of jews, gypsies and other "wierdos."
Heh have you seen this?
I was rather amused by the video on the BBC of the reporter interviewing a bunch of protesting Americans and asking what they thought of the UK's NHS. They all agreed that it sucked, although couldn't quite explain why. Only one person said it was good... coincidentally, he was the was the only one that had actually BEEN to the UK.
Yet... when you look at the actual results, the average treatment is very good and Italy has one of the highest life expectancies, even higher than the US.
The fact is a system as complex as health care works in ways which are not obvious. To me it seems that the American public opinion is incredibly fixated on the fear that somebody will "live off subsidies", when that is just a stupid detail and the by far the least problem a health care system has to face. But I see it's a cultural issue... the American culture is very individualistic and the concept of living off subsidies is almost blasphemy.
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