Title: Aspartame Pairing: ChunJae Length: Chaptered Summary: Jaejoong thinks he found just another sugar daddy to support him, but Yoochun is a different kind of sweet.
god i want this Yoochun so much sexy rich and sexy and rich ... /sighs/ ...
i have no idea where this story is going i have no idea if Yoochun is real and this will be a happy ending or if Yoochun is fake and this will have a sad ending
This is an amazing story so far. The characters are completely captivating and lush. Your writing has taken on this edge- that is so believable and so natural that I can see the images and hear the conversations going on, rather than just reading words on my monitor... Does that make any sense? Sorry, if it doesn't. I am just jaw-droppingly impressed by this.
So very interesting and exciting! Neat to hear about Jae's first client and how he managed to be nice and not after him sexually. Easy to assume they were all nasty until Chun, but the nice one gives it good balance. Looking forward to finding out where this all leads!
Comments 16
sexy rich and sexy and rich ... /sighs/ ...
i have no idea where this story is going
i have no idea if Yoochun is real and this will be a happy ending
if Yoochun is fake and this will have a sad ending
or ...
god, I just ...
*key smash here*
This is an amazing story so far. The characters are completely captivating and lush. Your writing has taken on this edge- that is so believable and so natural that I can see the images and hear the conversations going on, rather than just reading words on my monitor... Does that make any sense? Sorry, if it doesn't. I am just jaw-droppingly impressed by this.
I can't wait to see where you go with this one.
Yoochun seems really sweet but we know so little about him :(
but i feel bad for jaejoong and junsu's friendship. i hope that someday they'll be able to be comfortable with each other again.
yoochun has that effect, i guess? LOL he's such a sweet guy and he really genuinely cares for jaejoong.
now this meeting with number eight is giving me a bad feeling...
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