Title: Aspartame Pairing: ChunJae Length: Chaptered Summary: Jaejoong thinks he found just another sugar daddy to support him, but Yoochun is a different kind of sweet.
The only thing Yoochun had done wrong was contact him through the site instead of any other way, and even though he knew he was being unfair, Jaejoong couldn't forgive him for that.
I think that's understandable. However, wasn't it a bit of given that maybe, just maybe, Jae would not have given himself the chance to get to know Yoochun otherwise?
Junsu is such a good friend! Omo! I can't wait for the next update, darlin. I'm lovin' this story ^_^
Comments 29
I think that's understandable. However, wasn't it a bit of given that maybe, just maybe, Jae would not have given himself the chance to get to know Yoochun otherwise?
Junsu is such a good friend! Omo! I can't wait for the next update, darlin. I'm lovin' this story ^_^
Yoochun was so suspicious! Poor Jae, he'll feel SUPER guilt now!!!
Why does love have to hurt?
Please up date soon..
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