Title: Halfway
Pairing: Yunho/Changmin
Summary: They are a happy couple and their love is strong, even when Changmin's father falls ill, Changmin discovers he doesn't know Yunho as well as he thought and he gets to know himself better than he wants.
Warning: Angst and secondary character death, hopefully balanced by cuddly Yunho.
| Part Three | )
Comments 10
I'm so glad the father accepted Changmin the way he was and the gesture with the wallet was really touching.
And I'm so happy Changmin was able to accept that other side of Yunho's personality too. I really liked the part when he realized he behaved exactly like his own father. He was just avoiding getting to know this different slice of Yunho's life instead he had these wild assumptions about what the other does when he goes to dance and it created distance between them.
It was so reassuring when Changmin finally decided he will see Yunho with his own eyes!
Thank you for the wonderful story, I really liked it!
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