
Jul 25, 2008 20:21

Comment here to reserve a character. Characters will be held seven days, and you may only reserve two characters at once. If you don't have an application in by then, the character will be up for grabs. You may have one extension on your application. After your reserve expires you you will not be able to reserve the character again for another seven days. Make sure to check the taken characters list to assure the character you want to reserve isn't taken.

Character Name:
Player Journal:

Chrestomanci Chronicles
Gwendolen Chant - amethyst_nat [January 8th]

Pandora Hearts
Vincent Nightray - skullster [January 8th]

rulessettingfaqgameplaybestiarytimelinetakenreservewantedapplycontact infohiatusdropadvertisesquick

*admin, *reservations

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