would you drink a whole bottle of honey?why not, i've chugged worse, HELLO 1800 on motercycle weekend a whole bottle with a bee in is? mmm beees! would you eat a bee hive? What makes you think I haven't, seriously? would you eat poop? I did off your chest, your the one into that shit would you take pictures of your father in a g-string?OF COURSE MY DAD IS THE BALLS! would you cut off an appendage? Sure if so which one? I'd cut off my penis! would you cauterize your genitalia? Sure my penis if so are you seriously fucked up? DUH
Comments 1
would you drink a whole bottle of honey?why not, i've chugged worse, HELLO 1800 on motercycle weekend
a whole bottle with a bee in is? mmm beees!
would you eat a bee hive? What makes you think I haven't, seriously?
would you eat poop? I did off your chest, your the one into that shit
would you take pictures of your father in a g-string?OF COURSE MY DAD IS THE BALLS!
would you cut off an appendage? Sure
if so which one? I'd cut off my penis!
would you cauterize your genitalia? Sure my penis
if so are you seriously fucked up? DUH
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