Have been home for over a day and am much stronger as a result! No bad dreams to report. And yesterday ADT finished installing the most awesome security system! It even tap dances! They have done the installation process (a big job) with such expertise and good humor. It is just wonderful to be surrunded by competent people. If you don't
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Comments 21
Doni, I've sent you many prayers and thoughts since "the event"
and have been so relieved that you had and still have such wonderful family and friend support.
I sent you a basket of flowers to the hospital which were to be delivered on August 3rd, but you may not have received them due to your room changes. At any rate, the flowers were a touch of beauty for you from me and our friend Jean Keas Henry. NOTE: Jean came home from the hospital yesterday after heart valve/by-pass surgery in Austin, and is doing just fine, but swears she was quite cranky and pushy with her doctors at the hospital.
You are such a tough survivor! This week I'll be checking on ADT or other security systems for my house, and I know that there are many other redeeming aspects of your terrible experience which haven't yet come to light.
There's no one like you, Doni. Thanks for being you. I send you
a hug.
Love you,
I anticipated you would be posting messages here and am pleased your homecoming was so positive. I read others' messages and it sounds like Lobo is home again as well to complete the family gathering. He surely must have missed you. More hugs to both of you. I am bursting with gratefulness for your continuing recovery.
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