im really sorry u guys...about my comments and everything. i was just so worried and nervous i wasn't sure what to do and everything. Claire...amanda...really sorry i was kinda mean. not cool i know. im not sure what to do...any help u guys would be much appreciated. luv u
That I LOVE YOU ALL!!!! i don't know what happened someone is hacking into my accoun tu really scared all my buddies have been deleted off my sn and ppl are leaving stuff like this in my live journal i don't hate anyone and whoever is doing this...i don't know why but its really mean. I don't want to no who u are i just want you to stop.
ELLIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hey ya'll i didn't get into honors band. im really pissed but hey claire didn't get in either so i guess they are being really strict cuz she's awesome. luv ya claire k bye
ITS 2005 Y'ALL!!!!!! awesomeness! i had such a good time last night. omg my dad is all obsessed with board games now so he went out and bought risk. i've never played it before but he was convinced it was the best game ever so we played and i took over my sister's continent and she started crying and it sucked. ya.