Take the quiz.
Post your results.
sanchizzle's eye color? brown
2) What is
__sodunzo's shoe size? 10?
3) What is
__sodunzo allergic to? nothing
4) How tall is
mseurope? short
5) Do you think
sanchizzle is hot? yes
6) Does
__sodunzo smoke?
7) Is
for_realthough 1337? sure
8) Thoughts on
kinofsimon? nerd...jk..i <3 him
9) What video game does
another_whore remind you of? mortal kombat
10) Which of your friends should
mseurope go out with? sodunzo
11) If
holy_diver and
sanchizzle were spliced together, what would it be like? hot
12) What exotic animal would
sanchizzle like as a pet? monkey
13) What would
for_realthough think of
ikilledyou? love
14) Is
feels_liketoday friends with
__sodunzo? mmm..i dunno anymore
15) Are
another_whore and
mseurope going steady? haha...sure
16) What animal does
kinofsimon remind you of? giraff
17) Does
ilovebritney drink? o yes
18) Is
it_never_lasts dead sexy? of course
19) What word best describes
mseurope? short
20) If
kinofsimon were hanging off a cliff, what would
paranoidfox do? push him
21) Would
holy_diver and
kinofsimon look good together? sure
mseurope's hair color? your mom
23) What would you do if you found out
kinofsimon has a crush on you? cool
24) If
holy_diver commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? her vagina
25) What languages does
ikilledyou speak? icelandic