Avatar: the Last Airbender stories

Feb 27, 2007 15:07

Title: I've Lost My Fear of Falling: 50 Avatar: the Last Airbender stories
Universe: Avatar: the Last Airbender
Summary: A fanfic50 table for AtlA.
Title: Time Heals All… Eventually
Author: fullmetal_cute
Rating: PG
Summary: For the high_born challenge, “Healing wounds.”
Title: His Colors
Author: fullmetal_cute
Rating: PG
Summary: The colors look good on her. Written for the high_born challenge “Favorite Colors.”
Title: Lucky
Author: fullmetal_cute
Rating: PG
Summary: Written for the high_born challenge “Born that way”.
Title: Flying Hairy Slime Monster
Author: fullmetal_cute
Rating: G
Summary: Written for the high_born challenge “Tongue and Cheek”.
Title: The Best Revenge
Author: fullmetal_cute
Rating: G
Summary: She told him she’d pay him back for burning his feet. Written for the high_born challenge, “Payback”.
Title: No Rest
Author: fullmetal_cute
Rating: PG
Summary: What keeps you awake at night? Written for the high_born challenge “Nightmares and daydreams”.
Title: The Temple
Author: fullmetal_cute
Rating: G
Summary: It’s like a castle hanging in the sky. Written for the high_born challenge “Castles in the sky.” Spoilers of a sort for ‘Western Air Temple’.
Title: Rise with the Sun
Author: fullmetal_cute
Rating: PG
Summary: He rises with the sun every day. Written for the high_born challenge.
Title: Bath
Author: fullmetal_cute
Rating: PG
Summary: With Toph, subtle doesn’t work. Written for the high_born challenge.
Title: Help! (I Need Somebody)
Author: fullmetal_cute
Rating: PG
Summary: Sometimes, you have to let someone help you. Written for the high_born challenge.
Title: Hazing
Author: fullmetal_cute
Rating: PG
Summary: “Your family is all kinds of messed up.” Written for the high_born challenge.
Title: In Search of Honor
Universe: Avatar: the Last Airbender
Summary: 10 Zuko Stories
Title: Is Blind
Fandom: Avatar: the Last Airbender
Characters: Toph/Sokka
Prompt: 24. Eyes
Rating: G
Summary: She wonders, sometimes, what he looks like.
Title: Earthbender
Fandom: Avatar: the Last Airbender
Characters: Toph
Prompt: 70. Earth
Rating: G
Summary: Sight is such a limiting sense.
Title: Burning
Fandom: Avatar: the Last Airbender
Characters: Toph, Iroh, Zuko
Prompt: 68. Fire
Rating: G
Summary: He’s the one she’ll sit still for.
Author's Notes: I own nothing.


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