Title: Anniversary
Universe: That Damn Mpreg
Rating: PG
Summary: The hatchlings are getting ready for their parents’ anniversary. Written for
luminum “Dinner’s ready,” Jeff announced, wiping his hands on the dish towel. “It’s staying warm in the oven.”
“Perfect.” Becca checked her watch. “The dads are gonna be in twenty minutes. The apartment is, lo and behold, actually clean. Even your room?” She turned to Bobby.
“My carpet is blue, it turns out,” the oldest of the three boys announced. “Do we have any more of those chocolate covered biscotti?”
“You ate them all,” Nate called from the couch, not looking up from his PSP.
“We’re all set on plans?” Becca went on. “I’m gonna be at Kate’s.”
“Nate and I are staying with Cassie and Vision,” Jeff said. “I just need to grab my backpack.”
“And Nate practically lives there anyway, so he’s good to go. Bobby?”
“Milady will be keeping me up all night running errands for her, I have no doubt.” Bobby pulled his hair back into a stubby braid. “All our phones are charged.”
“What if this results in another egg?” Nate asked, finally looking up from his game.
“God forbid,” Becca muttered. “The last thing I need is another little brother.”