Title: A Charming Guy
Fandom: Young Avengers/X-Men
Characters: Vision/Anole
Prompt: 50. Writer's Choice
Word Count: 290
Rating: PG-15 edging towards R (I tried to make it porn, honest, but the really porny part just wouldn’t turn out right)
Summary: Vision’s turning on the charm while he works out just what it is he likes.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Notes: Written for the
Young Avengers Prompt Meme Jonas really turned on the charm when he was with Victor. It was a unfair to use the young mutant in this experiment, but Jonas felt that he needed to know just what it was he actually did and didn’t like. And Victor seemed perfectly agreeable to the relationship. He was sweet and attractive, and at the moment he was very intent on wrapping his amazingly flexible tongue around Jonas’s.
It wasn’t even unexpected. Jonas had been working up to this for a little while... but it was gratifying to find him so enthusiastic.
“Is something wrong?” Victor asked quietly when he pulled back for air, touching Jonas’s face and tilting it up slightly. “It’s like you’re a million miles away.”
[Just thinking,] he said, running his fingers down the back of Victor’s neck.
“Want me to slow down?”
Jonas sucked gently on Victor’s lower lip, playing with the buttons on the boy’s shirt. [No.] He slid his hands inside, counting Victor’s ribs. [Not unless you want to.]
“I’m good,” Victor replied, his voice creeping up an octave. “I, uh, really don’t wanna stop.”
[Neither do I.]
“Well, good. That’s good. Uh...” Victor’s eyes fluttered closed as Jonas started planting open mouthed kisses on his neck. “That’s really good.” Jonas bit his shoulder gently, and Victor whimpered and wriggled on his lap. “Oh God...”