Title: Unexpected and Unexplained
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Cassie, Kate
Prompt: 5. Fear
Word Count: 161
Rating: PG
Summary: For once, it’s NOT Billy’s fault.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Written for the Young Avengers Prompt Meme.
“Somehow,” Cassie said as she looked down at her round, bulging belly, “I can’t help but feel that this is somehow all Billy’s fault.”
“Normally, I’d agree with you. But Billy’s in California, and Doctor Strange told you not to touch that urn,” Kate replied. “You okay?”
“Mom’s freaking out,” Cassie sighed, “I need to pee all the time, I’m a virgin who’s mysteriously pregnant with something that’s probably going to be a tentacle monster or something like what happened to Ms. Marvel, and that was just...” she shuddered, looking more and more scared as she spoke. “How long am I gonna be stuck with this?”
“I’m sure Doctor Strange is working on fixing this right now, Cassie.” Kate squeezed her fingers gently.