LiveJournal has been quite odd for a while now. Whenever I'm coming over to post anything, it puts me off, all the new look about it. It's not even that I don't feel like writing. I just don't like it.
Hm, it's a shame that for both you and Kaisa, LJ doesn't seem like a good choice anymore, but if you had problems and if you don't like the way it looks, I get your point. For me it has been working fine and it looks almost as in the old days as I refused to have much changes done.
For me LJ also looks almost the same and it's working as it used to... But I see your point. It's sad that you both are leaving though :( I think LJ is a good platform to write for a selected group of people, as facebook really changes its privacy settings all the time and you can't be sure who will see your posts.
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