"The story begins in the year 2061, when a colossal computer has solved the earth's energy problems by designing a massive solar satellite in space that can beam the sun's energy back to earth. The AC (analog computer) is so large and advanced that it's technicians have only the vaguest idea of how it works. On a $5 bet, two drunken technicians ask
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Comments 3
it held some very funny points, with a great ending. i kept thinking why not digital? why analog?
god as a switching system would be cool too, esp mechanical to digital, to packet to quatum switching:] *echoing laugh*
in "futurama", the cartoon, that binary signaling god that talked to bender was cool, quoting "when you do just enough, people aren't sure if you did anything at all". that is most like this story to me. but who knows maybe one day you work will be read by this "AC", and it will evolve, to ai ac:]
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