Title: Crash Rating: T Pairings: House/Wilson friendship (slash goggles possible) Word Count: 393 Spoilers: 8x20 Post-Mortem Summary: At that moment, the car isn't the only thing that crashes.
Heartbreaking, and a wonderfully IC glimpse into House's thoughts in that scene. I was wondering, as I was watching the episode, what took so long for House to bring his arms down and acknowledge Wilson. This was the perfect explanation why.
Thankyou :) It was painfully obvious and I was puzzling over it after watching the episode. I'm glad my interpretation works! I just felt so awful for House the entire episode.
I had wondered about that scene and this is the perfect take on it. So, so painful. We could all see that House wasn't really having any fun with "Kyle", and it was amazing how docile he was in going along with it all, out of love for Wilson and helplessness to stop this until it stopped on its own.
Docile is the perfect word to describe House's behavior during the episode. And that was with him whooping and cheering with Wilson. The whole episode was just painful to watch because House must have felt awful.
Good scene - I too wondered why House didn't move after the crash, or answer Wilson (beyond the obvious - to build dramatic tension). It was noticeable that this was the one time in his road trip that Wilson dropped the facade of 'indifference' and immediately went racing around to see to House. I vastly prefer Wilson to Kyle Calloway.
I like the detail in the little pains you describe with House - you don't crash through a fence at high speed without some sort of physical after effects.
I hadn't even thought it was to add dramatic tension. If it was for that purpose, it was fail, because it just puzzled me. I loved how Wilson scrambled over to see if House was okay, simply because it was the first IC thing for me the whole episode and it felt so painfully right and familiar.
you don't crash through a fence at high speed without some sort of physical after effects. Ha. And House probably can't snooze in the cramped front seat of a Corvette for an entire night without his leg giving him hell.
Comments 25
That scene was interesting. Why did House stay immobile before wilson opened his door?
I like the detail in the little pains you describe with House - you don't crash through a fence at high speed without some sort of physical after effects.
you don't crash through a fence at high speed without some sort of physical after effects.
Ha. And House probably can't snooze in the cramped front seat of a Corvette for an entire night without his leg giving him hell.
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