Title: Try Again
Rating: T
Pairings: House/Wilson friendship (slash goggles possible)
Spoilers: 8x20 Post-Mortem and 8x21 Holding On promos
Summary: House discovers something Wilson has been hiding from him.
A/N: As much as I hate this arc, it seems to keep my muse alive and kicking. Or maybe it's because things are so abrupt and unbelievable that I
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Comments 23
Thank you!
I'd wish the writers have a clue about this strange concept called continuity, but alas…
What struck me when I started to watch the show again is how little I’m able to understand Wilson now - and I always have been a Wilson-fan myself, he is always my primary focus in whatever episode I’m watching. Canonically Wilson was depressed at some point and I’m not sure when or if he was released from the medication or if they actually don't remember that he was once depressed. So I’m wildly guessing that the ‘Wilson has cancer’ arc is nothing more than a dramatic licence, with very little concern about characters or medical accuracy, a way to end the show with a bang.
Anyway your story is plausible and your characters seem more realistic than what I’m seeing lately in the show. Well done!
I think Wilson as a character has always been somewhat of a mystery - we don't really get to see what goes on in his life, which is such a pity, if you consider the fact that we know so much about Taub's babies and affairs. But yes, I do agree with you that when I watch the show now, I can't understand Wilson. And even House.
The Wilson has cancer thing... I really don't like this arc. I think I might have preferred House being sick. But I am hoping they are building up to something impactful. Not necessarily huge, but just... impactful. If you think about it, there have been many huge events on the show, and House survived each one relatively fine (if you see it that way). So Wilson being ill is a sufficiently big catalyst, I guess.
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