As you all know, there are a few of us who sign up for challenges in which you have to write a number of fics, based on some given prompts.
I've compiled a list with the Carson-related tables I know of. If you know of any others, please comment and give me the links.
fanfic100 tables:
lapislaz Carson/Radekchasingkerouac Carson/Laurahermioneorourke Carson/Rodney/Teylakyffin Carsonmice1900 Carson/Rodneysmallwaldo Carson/Johnlyndasty Rodney McKay, John Sheppard and Carson Beckett
100_situations tables:
lil-aber-lisa Carson/Rodneyvictoriaely Carsonimproperlydone Carson/Aiden au100 table:
severusslave Carson/Rodney AU 2dozenowies tables:
jennamajig Carsonthefannishwaldo Carson/Johnkyrdwyn Carson/JohnladykooriCarson/Ronon
cosmonaut_elf Carson/Radek I've tried to find the tables for all the users, but I couldn't for some. If I find them later, I'll update this post.